Jon Dehdari

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Text Processing
with Python and Bash

Instructor: Dr. Jon Dehdari

Winter Semester 2016/2017

Classroom: Room 2.14 , building A2.2
Mondays 12:00-14:00 (s.t./sharp)
Starts Oct. 31st, 2016. Ends Feb. 13th, 2017
Offices: FR4.6: 1.15 Building A2.2 DFKI: 1.11 Building D3.1
Final Exam: Feb. 20, 2017. 12:00-14:00. Location: A2.2, room 2.03 (makeup date: April 13, 15:00, A2.2 room 1.15)


This course teaches the basics of processing and manipulating text files, including tabular data. It is practical and interactive.


  1. Installation
  2. Example Text Files
  3. Commands in Bash
  4. Shell Scripting
  5. Exercises
  6. Python
  7. Translations: English - Deutsch
  8. External Links
Bash shell logo


  1. Windows: Install Cygwin. On the step "Select Packages", ensure that the "bin" box is checked for all of the following: antiword, catdoc, dos2unix, nano, pcre, pdftk, poppler, python3, unzip, wget, zip
  2. Mac: Go to Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
  3. Linux: You rock! You already know what to do.

Example Text Files

Commands in Bash

Move & Copy Files/Folders

View Files

Change Files

Get Info About Files

Process Columnar Data Files

Search and/or Substitute a Pattern Within a File


Shell Scripting


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Useful Translations: English - Deutsch

Keys & Symbols - Tasten u. Symbole

English Deutsch
@ at sign das At-Zeichen / die Klammeraffe
# hash / pound / number sign die Raute / das Doppelkreuz
^ caret das Einfügezeichen / das Caret-Zeichen
& ampersand / and das Et-Zeichen / das Und-Zeichen / das Kaufmannsund
* asterisk / star / times das Sternchen
- dash / hyphen / minus der Bindestrich
| pipe / vertical bar der senkrechte Strich
/ slash / forward slash der Schrägstrich
\ backslash der Backslash / der Rückstrich
: colon der Doppelpunkt / das Kolon
; semicolon der Strichpunkt / das Semikolon
~ tilde die Tilde
_ underscore der Unterstrich
( ) parentheses Runde Klammern
[ ] square brackets Eckige Klammern
{ } curly brackets Geschweifte/geschwungene Klammern
< > less-than sign / greater-than sign Kleiner-als-Zeichen / Größer-als-Zeichen
control key die Steuerungstaste
tab key der Reiter / der Tabulator

Programming Concepts - Programmierkonzepte

English Deutsch
assignment Zuweisung
conditional statement bedingte Anweisung
loop Schleife
string Zeichenkette
integer Ganze Zahl
scope Umfang